Sunday, January 10, 2010

Love B-gets Love

"When you are in love, you want to express your emotions eloquently. In our fast-paced life, we need our messages to be concise yet effective".... Well i am quite sure many of us will nod with the quoted text.

LOVE, is ACTUALLY what you make out of it. If you opt for love assume full responsibility, take whatever comes with the terrain. Love is just not about creating a cacophony only to make it diminish into a diminuendo…It’s about loving someone sanely. For most of us, i must say, its about the simple mistake we commit unwillingly - synonymous to the “chalta hai” attitude – in our love lives.

I KNOW THIS ....coz......Im in process of shrugging the above said foul trait.

My love life is a journey which exalts from a high note of a “one heart two lives” metaphor only to diverge into a solemnly and melancholy low toned life – But believe me I am striving hard to get the tracks right!!

The intervening period has all shades of life , and I have every moment afresh ever since I met her , only to share with you guys coz reiterating the memories every time downloads to me immense satisfaction that “YES” I have a wonderful, loving life partner with me….in spite of all the odds